Monday, April 5, 2010

Weigh in...

Well I was really hoping for big loss this week but, no, I weighed 174lbs this morning, that means I'm only down .5lbs. I guess I still need to look for the positive, I didn't gain, and there is less of me this week than last, unfortunatley, it is from my chest because I'm no longer hormonal. I could have sworn I dropped more than a half pound of boobbage. After Wednessday I only worked out once and that was Sat. morning and only a two mile walk. As I stated in my last post my kids have been on spring break and I felt really bad about coming home after  being gone half the day at work and then taking more 'me' time to exercise. So, right or wrong, I played lots of board games instead. I know what your thinking, dah, you didn't lose weight, you didn't exercise!  I know this, really I do, but in the past my low carb weight loss isn't totally dependant on exercise, maybe that has changed, and I was so good on the food side of things. I think instead of writing down the things I ate, which are boring and under 20 carbs per day, I'll write down some of the things I didn't eat this Easter weekend. Things I avoided completely... all candy, my yummy peanut butter chocolate butterscotch krispy treats, blueberry scones, waffles, cheesy potatoes, rolls, three different kinds of pie, and sparkling cider. Those are things I skipped just yesterday, so in my mind somehow that computed to be about 5 lbs weight loss. What the heck, that's not how it works, really?  I'm not bitter or anything, I really didn't want any of it anyway, says the fat chick who has made a career out of eating lots of really yummy food. smiles (really I'm smiling). Here's to baby steps, may I not be completely old and ugly by the time I can fit into super cute clothes. Have a great day and.... I'm not giving up!


  1. Way to be strong during Easter, I totally crapped out. The pedometer is totally helping me out though. I am much more active and have more energy than before, except Sunday, sitting on the couch watching conference I barely got over 1000 steps!!!

  2. Spending time with your kids is important, so if that means missing exercise for a couple days, that's ok. I've finally realized that William is more important, and that if I only get 20 minutes of exercise in one day I'll be alright. And way to be strong on Easter..I ate TONS of junk!..but I haven't weighed myself, I'm too scared.

  3. I just went and got myself a pedometer last night. We'll see if it helps at all. Easter kicked my butt too.

  4. Like you I was stong and didn't eat ANY Easter yummy junk food. I didn't get any of my excerise in last week. I thought I did great on my diet and I GAIN 1 LB!!!! What is up with that? However I didn't not get discourage and gave up, I am just trying harder this week. Still haven't done very good about exercise, but doing good with diet. Oh I am FINALLY after 6 months officially open for child care! Let the craziness begin! Love and miss you. Keep up the good work - Kelli
