Monday, March 22, 2010

"Just my thoughts"

What the heck? Are boobs 99% fat, is that why they are almost gone? and why is the fat in my boobs so much easier to lose than the fat in my butt? I know there is more to choose from on my backside, so give me a break. Wasn't it bad enough that when I used to lie down they'd disapear because they hiding under my armpitts, pointing at the walls? Now I can't find them at all.


  1. I've actually noticed that since I put on all this weight the last few months, my boobs have gotten bigger.... i am reluctant to lose that... it has actually kept me from getting serious about losing weight.

  2. I dont seem to have this problem, I tried putting on weight and still didn't get any boobs!

  3. Well, at least they don't get in the way of exercising, and you don't have to spend flippin' $60 on a sports bra just so they don't hurt! See, there's a positive side to everything :)
