Monday, March 8, 2010

Weigh in...

The scale read 181.5 lbs this morning, that is 1 lb down from last week. This morning I was a little bummed, I really wished I had lost more, but I quickly reminded myself that 1 lb is better than nothing!! I've thought about my week and the things I can improve on, and I've decided to write down some new goals for the week in hopes that I will follow through if it is written for all to see. Number one goal, try to exercise at least 2 hrs a day, five days this week. I know that I can do this if I manage my time a little better and I don't let myself get lazy in the evening. I'm wearing a knee brace now when I work out and it seems to be helping the pain in my knee. Goal number two, this one is much harder for me, I will try not to eat carbs after lunch time. I know for myself that my body does well with less carbs. I have enjoyed adding the healthier carbs back into my diet, but in the evening I tend to lean towards the unhealthy, I then try to make the better choice and end up eating another bowl of oatmeal. The choice is better than cake, but I'm not getting all my veggies in. Let's see what these changes do to the scale, I'm hoping for a bit more of a drop. I want to break into the 150's by my birthday in May and at my current rate of weight loss I won't quite make it. No matter what, by summer time I'm going to be looking and feeling great!!! Who's with me? Do you really want me to look way better than you? smiles J/K ... well kind of.

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