Thursday, March 11, 2010

Something new...something old

So to finish reporting on yesterday .... I took the day completely OFF. I can't tell you how many calories
I ate because I didn't count them at all. Now usually this would be a bad thing and it would lead to taking more days off, but not now, and not anytime soon. I really do want to keep going and I don't see stopping ever. This is something that I believe will be a little bit of a battle for the rest of my life, and that's ok. There will be days I take off and then there will be the next day when I start again.

Yesterday I did a lot of thinking about the type of diet I've been following, I like that it has seemed more balanced, but my immediate goal is to get more weight off. It is just going way too slow. I do realize that the slower it comes off the slower it should come back, but I think I would like to be about 20lbs lighter before I start taking my own sweet time. I think exercising will be easier and some of my pain might go away if there is less weight on my joints. I have lost the majority of my weight so far by following a low carb diet but I was afraid I would have to follow it for the rest of my life or gain the weight back. At the beginning of the year I added healthier carbs and wonder of wonders I haven't gained it back in fact I've lost a little. I'm glad I've experimented , I now know that if I low carb it for a while longer eventually I can add things back in and not blow up like a balloon.

Today I started with the idea that I might be able to count carbs and calories at the same time, it doesn't look like it  is going to work, so for now I'm going back to counting carbs.  My plan for now is to report my carb count and how many servings of veggies I eat during the day, because I struggle with veggies. I will also still report my exercise. I hope that changing things up might jumpstart things and then maybe the scale will start moving. Today I stayed under 20 carbs but I only ate one serving of veggies, I need to eat at LEAST three servings a day. Oh well there's always tomorrow. I did 30min of pilates this morning and walked 14 holes of golf in the afternoon for a total of 4 hrs of exercise.

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