Monday, March 8, 2010

"Tip of the day"

Don't know where to start? Pick up a five dollar pedometer and take 10,000 steps a day. You won't need to wear it forever, probably only a month, just until you get in the habbit of moving. The more you move, the more energy you have. The more energy you have, the more you want to move!  Here's to being healthier... skinnier is just a bonus.


  1. Does taking that many steps really make a difference?

  2. They say if you take at least 10,000 steps a day, it is pretty hard to put on weight. Don't get me wrong I definitely could, but I'd have to eat lots... instead of the fat just chasing me around and jumping on to my hips so freely like it usually does

  3. The 10000 steps dont include exersize right? Cause I only have to run a few miles to get all the steps in. I am having a really tough time getting to 10000. I am realizing just how much work that is. I got up to 7500 on Saturday walking, but it is hard on a normal weekday. Any suggestions on how to get those in?

  4. 10,000 steps is the minimum not to gain weight. Wear it during exercise and keep increasing your goals. After wearing it for a couple months I was always shooting for 23,000 to 24,000 steps a day.
